
The Informer - January 2023

We have changed the name of our regular newsletter to mark the start of our new post-COVID era when we published Ian’s Update to keep us informed of our operations throughout the 2-year period of the COVID Health Emergency.

In this first edition of The Informer, we take a fresh look at our vision and various aspects of behind-the-scenes work that supports our operations and provides details of the many events planned from now until March. You will see that we intend to hit the ground running this year as a base for our 2023 theme Building the Body – What it means to know, grow and go as a believer in Jesus.

The Informer includes links to Events so that you can RSVP to advise that you will be attending including booking into the lunch after the church service next Sunday, the first Community Dinner at the Vikings Club and enrolling in the Canberra Bible College – among other events.


Ian's Update December 2022

The Update contains a Wrap Up of 2022, introduces the 2023 Theme and some of the planned events and activities and looks at resourcing the plan.


Ian's Update - October 2022

Open the attachment to read about:

Reputations—Christians and the Church

Work through the Volunteering Process together

Retirement of op shop manager and op shop news

COVID update

Gathering and ordinary Assembly 12 November 2022

Coming Events

· OCC Collection

· Volunteers Safe Church workshop

· Faith Runs Deep sessions

· Steps of Faith series

· Brigades Parade

· Planning workshop

· CoG Christmas campaign

· Michele Black’s visit

· Church picnic

· Christmas series

· Annual General Meeting

· Church On-line for 1, 8 ad 15 January 2023

· Canberra Bible College

Finance—end of year

· Analysis of Offerings

The Last Word


Ian's Update - August 2022

Open the attachment to read about:

Building the Body

- · Fellowship

- · Membership

- · Eligibility to serve

- · Role descriptions

Building our team of volunteers

- · Becoming eligible to be asked

Risk Management

- · COVID Safety measures

- · WHS measures

Food Services

Discussion Forum (Association)

- · Baptist Distinctives

- · Recommendations Feb 2021 Special Assembly

- · Special Assembly - recap

Planning workshop

Community of Givers

Partnership with Olive Tree Media

Coming Events

- · God’s Squad

- · Guest Preacher

- · Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade

- · Mini conference for women


- · Operating loss and offering review

- · Offerings to date

The Last Word


Ian's Update - July 2022

Open the attachment to read about:


- CSS Workshop

- Doing our homework

- Resources

Thanks for Caring

- Times of Transition

- COVID Safety measures while we wait

Hastening Slowly and Achievements

- Winter Warmth Campaign

- Solar Panel Installation—the Story

Coming Events

- Guest Preacher

- Introduction to new arrival

- Brigades’ Parade


Prayer Points

The Last Word


Ian's Update - May 2022

Open the attachment to read about:

- Step forward - faith requires action

- Protect Yourself—Protect Ohers

- Our small steps forward

- Our caution—well-founded

- COVID Update—Transition to new normal start date

- Refresh as you open the App

- Recent activities


- Congregational Meeting

- Jenke Cct Crown Lease

- NCLS Summary Profile

- Coming Up

- CAP Money Course

- Happy Mothers’ Day

- Finance

- The Last Word


Ian's Update - March 2022

Open the attachment to read about:

· New things

1. Administration and Communication—the Website and App

2. Safe Church—a new approach to volunteering (serving)

3. Special Assembly –follow up

4. COVID Safe Behaviours

5. A/V advances

· Other News

NCLS finalized

Recent activities

Jenke Cct Crown Lease

· Coming Up

Missions Partners—Hay family visits

Michele coming home

Good Friday and Easter

AGM and Congregational Meeting

Teaching Themes

· Finance

· The Last Word


Ian's Update - 19 January 2022

Open the attachment to read:

- Introduction

- Can do Tasks—framework for COVID Safe decisions

- Events for 2022

- New for 2022

- Bible in One Year—a new approach for 2022

- Resuming events in 2022

- NCLS Survey—starting now

- Future directions require volunteers

- A brief look at the last few weeks

- Community Room Upgrade

- Condolences and Thanks

- Finance

- The Last Word


Ian's Update - 18 November 2021

Open the PDF to read Ian's latest Update which contains:

· Times and Seasons

· Ready-Set-Go

· Volunteer Project

· Administration

· Website updates

· Encouragement from Missions partners

· Operation Christmas Child

· The Impact of Faith on Australian Society

· Op Shop Grand Re-opening

· Baptism

· All Church Picnic

· National Church Life Survey

· Encouragement from Federal Government

· Community Room Upgrade

· Solar Panel Installation

· ‘tis the Season

· Distribution of COG Vouchers

· Finance

· The Last Word
